Susy Lanteigne-Lyons – Student Practitioner

Susy Lanteigne-Lyons – Student Practitioner

Susy has completed the four-year Bachelor of Professional Arts Human Services (BPA-HSRV) degree with a concentration in Educational Psychology. She has more than ten years of experience as an Interventionist and educator within the New Brunswick public school system and private sector, where she provided direct support to students and parents through various interventions and strategies. In addition, Susy has completed the Nursing program through CEGEP John Abbott College in Montreal where she had the
opportunity to attain Registered Nurse (RN) training and employment experience in a wide range of RN specialty areas. Currently, Susy is in the process of completing her Master’s in Counselling Psychology at Yorkville University.
“I am excited to begin my student internship at MCI in a profession and practice that allows me to grow as a professional helper. My path in life includes the continuity in professional counselling competencies so that I can offer high-quality care to clients.”